When buying a property, the maxim is ‘location, location, location’.
When hiring Staff, we in Boyd HR ‘preach’ ‘attitude, attitude, attitude’.
At Boyd HR we can help you with all your recruitment needs. We pride ourselves in our ability to recruit and select high calibre candidates. People are your greatest asset. We in Boyd HR contend that it is the RIGHT people are your greatest asset. We ensure that the selected individual can do the job, is self-motivated, will be a good fit into your Team and has the potential to help you develop and grow your business.
Job Analysis
At Boyd HR we always ensure that a comprehensive Job Analysis is completed in relation to the relevant position being filled. We find this effective as it really gets our clients thinking about what activities and responsibilities are important in relation to the particular role they wish to fill. By not determining this from the outset, your recruitment and selection process can end up being very costly and waste a lot of your resources.
Job Description and Person Specification
Following the completion of the Job Analysis with our Client, we then have the relevant information required to prepare a detailed Job Description and Person Specification for the desired role.