When buying a property, the maxim is ‘location, location, location’.
When hiring Staff, we in Boyd HR ‘preach’ ‘attitude, attitude, attitude’.
We have a robust 8 step Recruitment & Selection process that ensures that you select individuals that will be successful in the role. We start with our Clients by defining the role, attract suitable candidates, screen the applicants, test them on-line, conduct preliminary & final interviews, verify that the applicants they have the requisite skills & experience, help our Clients decide on who should be hired and offer them the job conditional on their successfully passing a probationary period and their references ‘check out’.
Our interviews are in-depth and we investigate three areas:
Ability: tells us what people are capable of doing
Temperament: Tells us how they will go about doing their jobs
Character: Tells us whether they have the maturity and reliability to use their ability in the right way
If you would like to learn more about our Recruitment & Selection service and how it could benefit your business, please call Boyd HR on 074 9123150 or email: info@boydhr.ie