Your business is only as capable as the individuals you employ and develop. In an ever-increasing competitive environment, it is imperative that all staff know how their roles fits in with the overall objectives of the business. It is vital that Business Owners know how to unlock the potential of their staff and create a working environment within which staff will ‘go that extra mile’ and treat your business as if it were their own.
At Boyd HR we look at poor performance as an ‘effect’ and we help managers identify one of eight ‘root cause(s)’.
We ask the Manager:
- Have you selected the right person?
- Have you set clear expectations?
- Are you helping your staff to develop & learn?
- Have you created a motivating environment?
If you want to go from ‘Good to Great’ as a business and boost your performance, call one of our Advisors in Boyd HR for an exploratory discussion on 074 9123150.