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5 Tips to help you become a more Family Friendly Organisation

5 Tips to help you become a more Family Friendly Organisation Donegal

Employees will be more attracted to work for any organisation that offers family-friendly benefits, as it shows your investment in them by providing a supportive environment when they may need it the most. Your organisation will also benefit as employees will be more engaged, productive, and motivated and there is likely to be a reduction in absenteeism and workplace stress.

Below are 5 top tips that you should consider to help you become a more family-friendly organisation.

  1. Ask your employees for feedback

Get your employees to complete a survey or conduct 1-2-1 meetings and ask how family-friendly they feel your organisation is at present and what would they like to see changed or introduced.

5 Tips to help you become a more Family Friendly Organisation
  1. Offer Remote Working/Hybrid Working

Offer remote working/hybrid working to employees. A lot of employees have found this to be a huge benefit, as they feel they are more productive, and they have more family time as they don’t have to make a daily commute. It would be important to trust and engage regularly with your employees who work remotely and to ensure expected levels of work are agreed upon and completed.

  1. Family-Friendly Policies

Ensure you have family-friendly policies in place and that you communicate these to your employees.

  • Maternity Leave
  • Adoptive Leave
  • Parents Leave
  • Parents Leave
  • Paternity Leave
  • Force Majeure Leave
  • Compassionate Leave
  • Flexible Working
  • Remote/Hybrid Working
  1. Ensure employees take their holiday entitlements

Make sure all your employees take their annual leave each year. It is so important for employees to take a break from work to spend quality time with family, it also helps them to come back to work re-energised and motivated.

  1. Flexible Working

This may not suit every organisation; however, it is something that should be considered. If you are in a position to offer more flexible working hours to employees, then they are more likely to stay with your organisation as they feel valued, and it allows them to get the right balance between work and family life.

If you are an employer and would like guidance on how to become a more family-friendly organisation, contact Boyd HR for professional advice.