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Employee Relations

Payment of Wages Act – Law Around Tips and Gratuities

Payment of Wages Act – Law Around Tips and Gratuities

On December 1, the new Payment of Wages Act will come into force. This new law around tips and gratuities means that all employers will be required to display information on how tips, gratuities and mandatory charges are shared or distributed among staff.

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7 ways to deal with work related stress

7 ways to deal with work related stress

Work-Related Stress (WRS) is stress caused or made worse by work. It simply refers to when a person perceives the work environment in such a way that his or her reaction involves feelings of an inability to cope.

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Succession planning in 5 easy steps!

Succession planning in 5 easy steps!

The need for succession planning has become more relevant in recent years. With the effects of the pandemic, many business leaders are re-evaluating their work-life balance and seeing the need for future successors to take their place.

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