I have been working in the area of tax and accountancy for over twenty years and during that time business clients have always, without exception, confided details of the difficulties they experience in relation to the management and performance of their staff.
As an employer myself, I too have often found the area of human resources and employment legislation quite daunting and somewhat difficult to manage. It is a complex area and it is essential for the protection of your business that you have the correct systems and procedures in place. My decision to engage the services of Boyd HR to assist me in this area has certainly proved to a worthwhile investment towards to development and growth of my business.
In addition, assisting our firm in ensuring that the appropriate safeguards are in place for dealing the with the recruitment of staff, Michael Boyd and his team have provided me with some extremely valuable advice in relation to how to effectively deal with challenging issues that sometimes arise within a workplace environment.
Michael always provides the right level of guidance that allows me to reach positive outcomes but at the same time ensuring that I take responsibility as the business owner. I have no hesitation in recommending Michael and his team with absolute confidence that the advice and services that Boyd HR provide to business owners will be in their best interests.
It is with sincere gratitude that I wish Michael Boyd and his team at Boyd HR, every success in the future development of his business.