7 Steps To Improve Health and Wellbeing of Employees

work related stress

Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, employers are responsible, as far as is reasonably practicable, for the safety, health and welfare of employees. This not only applies to hazards that can affect the employee physically but also hazards that can affect them psychologically. In this blog, post we look at 7 […]

7 steps to improving the health and wellbeing of your employees

7 steps to improving the health and wellbeing of your employees Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, employers are responsible, as far as is reasonably practicable, for the safety, health and welfare of his or her employees. This not only applies to hazards that can affect the employee physically but also […]


work related stress

WORK-RELATED STRESS Work-Related Stress (WRS) is stress caused or made worse by work. It simply refers to when a person perceives the work environment in such a way that his or her reaction involves feelings of an inability to cope. It may be caused by perceived/real pressures/deadlines/threats/anxieties within the working environment. One of the general […]

Mental Health in the Workplace

The term mental health is almost always associated with sub-optimum mental health rather than good mental health. In contrast, the term physical health is usually associated with being either neutral or positive.   But we all have mental health.  Just like our physical health, our mental health can fluctuate on a spectrum from good to […]

How We Work at Boyd HR –

Boyd HR Donegal Sligo

When you work with us you can expect to see desirable and sustainable improvements in your teams’ performance and productivity. Team members will participate more actively, conflict will be reduced significantly and results will come with a lot less struggle and effort. We have worked with some of the largest employers in the North-West and […]


Creating an open culture that highlights the importance of mental health and supports employees who are experiencing wellbeing issues is imperative, not only for the individual but for the workplace as a whole. Management should be fully equipped, trained and confident in dealing with matters of mental health, helping employees identify the triggers at work […]